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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

List of shortcut keys in Windows and what they do

This is not a comprehensive list - just a list of the most commonly used keys 

List of shortcut keys and what they do 

General Windows Shortcut Keys

F1 - Universal Help key - Works in all Microsoft based programs
F2 - Rename files or Folders
F3 - Opens up the Find dialogue
F5 - Refresh contents in current application
F6 - Switch between left and right panes
F10 - Activate the menu bar in programs
Backspace - View the folder one level up
Tab - Move forward through options

Winkey & D - This will minimise all windows you have open and take you to the desktop. by pressing it again this can be reversed
Winkey & E - This will open up the Windows Explorer file browser window
Winkey & TAB - This will cycle through open programs through the taskbar.
Winkey & F - This will open up the windows search feature
Winkey & CTRL & F - This will open up the search for computers window.
Winkey & F1 - This will open up the Microsoft Help and Support Centre
Winkey & R - This will bring up the run box dialogue
Winkey & L - This will lock the computer and take you to the sign in screen
Winkey & M - Same a Winkey & D, But won't change back
Winkey & Shift & M - Same as pressing Winkey & D the second time
Winkey & U - Run utility Manager and Narrator Voice
Winkey & Break - Display System Properties

Right SHIFT for eight seconds (Switch FilterKeys either on or off)
Left ALT & left SHIFT & PRINT SCREEN (Switch High Contrast either on or off)
Left ALT & left SHIFT & NUM LOCK (Switch the MouseKeys either on or off)
SHIFT five times (Switch the StickyKeys either on or off)

General Editing Keys

ALT & F - Opens up the file menu
ALT & E - Opens up the edit menu

Ctrl & A - Highlights all text
Ctrl & C - Copy's highlighted selected text
Ctrl & X -Cuts highlighted selected text
Ctrl & V - Pastes text from clipboard into document
Ctrl & Z - Reverses last action
Ctrl & P - Brings up the print dialogue
Ctrl & B - Embolden Text
Ctrl & I - Place text in italics
Ctrl & U - Underline text

Insert - Toggles between over type mode and normal mode
Ctrl & Insert - Copy's selected text
Shift & Delete - Cuts highlighted selected text
Shift & Insert - Pastes text from clipboard into document

Shift & Home - Selects the text from current cursor position to beginning of line
Shift & End - Selects the text from current cursor position to end of line
Ctrl & Left Arrow - Move the cursor backwood one word
Ctrl & Right Arrow - Move the cursor forward one word

Home Key - Goes to beginning of current line
End Key - Goes to end of current line
Ctrl & Home - Goes to top of document
Ctrl & End - Goes to end of document

Other Misc Keys

CTRL & SHIFT & ESC this will open the windows task manager
ALT & Enter - View an item's properties
Alt & Space Bar - Display the current window's system menu
Alt & Tab - Cycles through current open applications
Alt & F4 - Closes the current open application
Ctrl & Escape - Brings up the start menu
Shift & F10 - Display the item's context menu
Shift & Del - When deleting a selected highlighted item - this will bypass the recycle bin
Holding Shift Key - While inserting a CD/DVD will bypass the auto play feature
F8 - While pressing this key on boot up will bring you to the boot up options screen - handy for entering safe mode

Runbox msc commands (Microsoft Management Console snap-in)
ciadv.msc = indexing service
compmgmt.msc = computer management
devmgmt.msc = device manager
dfrg.msc = disk defragment
diskmgmt.msc = disk management
eventvwr.msc = event viewer
fsmgmt.msc = shared folders
gpedit.msc = group policies
lusrmgr.msc = local users and groups
ntmsmgr.msc = removable storage operator request
perfmon.msc = performance monitor
rsop.msc = resultant set of policies
secpol.msc = local security settings
services.msc = various Services
secpol.msc = local security settings
certmgr.msc = certificate manager
wmimgmt.msc = windows management infrastructure
runbox cpl commands
ac3filter.cpl = ac3 filter(if installed)
access.cpl = accessibility option control
appwiz.cpl = add/remove programs control
desk.cpl = display properties control
directx.cpl = direct x control panel(if installed)
findfast.cpl = FindFast control
firewall.cpl = windows firewall
hdwwiz.cpl = add hardware wizard
inetcpl.cpl = Internet Properties control
intl.cpl = regional and language options
joy.cpl = game controlloers control
jpicpl32.cpl = java control panel(if installed)
main.cpl = Mouse Properties control
mmsys.cpl = Multimedia Properties control
ncpa.cpl = network control
netsetup.cpl = network setup wizard
nusrmgr.cpl = user accounts control
odbccp32.cpl =odbc data souce adminstrator
password.cpl = Password Properties control
powercfg.cpl = power options properties control
joy.cpl = game controlloers control
sysdm.cpl = System Properties control
sticpl.cpl = scanner and camera control
tlephon.cpl = telephone and moden options
timedate.cpl = date/time Properties control
waaucpl.cpl = automatic updates
wscui.cpl = security center
runbox control commands
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -
control admintools = amdinistrative tools
control color = display properties(appearence)
control desktop = desktop properties
control folders = folder properties
control fonts = fonts properties
control keyboard = keyboard properties
control netconnections = network connections
control mouse = mouse properties
control printers = printer and fax options
control schedtasks = schedualed tasks
runbox non grouped commands
dxdiag = direct x trounbleshooter
ddeshare = dde share
cliconfg = sql client configaration
cmd = command prompt
dcomcnfg = component services
clipbrd = clipboard
chkdsk = check disk utility
fsquirt = bluetooth transfer wizard
folders = folders properties
font = fonts folder
freecell = freecell
calc = caculator
charmap = carater graph
cleanmgr = too long to explain but useful
command = opens command prompt
diskpart = disk partition manager
explorer = explorer
iexpress = iexpress wizard
javaws = java control panel(in installed)
logoff = logs you out of windows
magnity = windows magnifier
msconfig = system Configuration Utility
msinfo32 = system Infomation
msimn = letterbox
mailto = opens default email client
notepad = notepad
osk = keyboard
packager = object packager
perfmon = performance minitor
prefetch = the thing windows prepairs
regedit = Registry Editor
regedit32 -
sfc = system file checker utility
taskmgr = task manager
telnet = telnet client
wab = windows address book
wabmig = windows address book (adding something)
win.ini = windows loading information(also system.ini)
winver = shows current version of windows
winchat = microsoft chat
sysedit = System Edit
tourstart = tour pub when xp is installed
drwtsn32 = dr. watson troubleshooting utility
verifier = driver verifier utility
sigverif = file signature verification tool
write = wordpad
utelman = utility manager

runbox subdirectories
accessability settings
access.cpl @0,1 = keyboard
access.cpl @0,2 = sound
access.cpl @0,3 = display
access.cpl @0,4 = mouse
access.cpl @0,5 = general
desk settings
desk.cpl = theme
desk.cpl @0,0 = desktop
desk.cpl @0,1 = screen saver
desk.cpl @0,2 = apearance
desk.cpl @0,3 = setting
Internet Settings
inetcpl.cpl @0,0 = general
inetcpl.cpl @0,1= security
inetcpl.cpl @0,2 = privacy
inetcpl.cpl @0,3 = content
inetcpl.cpl @0,4 = connections
inetcpl.cpl @0,5 = programs
inetcpl.cpl @0,6 = advanced
regional settings
intl.cpl @0,0 = regoal options
intl.cpl @0.1 = languges
intl.cpl @0,2 = advanced
main.cpl @0,1 = buttons
main.cpl @0,1,1 = pointers
main.cpl @0,2 = pointers options
main.cpl @0,3 = wheel
main.cpl @0,4 = hardware
main.cpl @1,0 = keyboard speed
main.cpl @1,1,1 = keyboard hardware
sounds properties box
mmsys.cpl @0,0= volume
mmsys.cpl @0,1 = sound
mmsys.cpl @0,2 = audio
mmsys.cpl @0,3 = voice
mmsys.cpl @0,4 = hardward
system Settings
sysdm.cpl @0,0 = general
sysdm.cpl @0,1 = computer name
sysdm.cpl @0,2 = hardware
sysdm.cpl @0,3 = advanced
sysdm.cpl @0,4 = restore system
sysdm.cpl @0,5 = automatic updatet
sysdm.cpl @0,6 = remote

variables that work with the runcommand box:
%allusersprofile% = local returns the location of the all users profile.
%appdata% = local returns the location where applications store data by default.
%cd% = local returns the current directory string.
%comspec% = system returns the exact path to the command shell executable.
%homedrive% = system returns which local workstation drive letter is connected to the user's home directory. this variable is set based on the value of the home directory. the user's home directory is specified in local users and groups.
%homepath% = system returns the full path of the user's home directory. this variable is set based on the value of the home directory. the user's home directory is specified in local users and groups.
the user's home directory is specified in local users and groups.
%logonserver% = local returns the name of the domain controller that validated the current logon session.
%programfiles% = returns the location of the default install directory for applications.
%systemdrive% = system returns the drive containing the windows root directory (i.e., the system root).
%systemroot% = system returns the location of the windows root directory.
%temp% = system and user return the default temporary directories for applications that are available to users who are currently logged on. some applications require temp and others require tmp.
%tmp% = system and user return the default temporary directories for applications that are available to users who are currently logged on. some applications require temp and others require tmp.
%(time)% = system returns the current time. this variable uses the same format as the time /t command. cmd.exe generates this variable. for more information about the time command, see the time command.
%(userdomain)% = local returns the name of the domain that contains the user's account.
%(username)% = local returns the name of the user currently logged on.
%userprofile% = local returns the location of the profile for the current user.
%windir% = system returns the location of the os directory

Thursday, September 20, 2012

How To Install Jelly Bean Keyboard On Your Android 4.0 Device

How To Install Jelly Bean Keyboard 

On Your Android 4.0 Device

12 August 2012 – Eyeing on the new Jelly Bean 
(Android 4.1) keyboard but you found yourself stuck
 at Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich or earlier
 version of Android? Fear not, as we will show you
 how to install the Jelly Bean keyboard in this 
step-by-step guide.

1.       First stop, head to the Google Play store 
and download Jelly Bean keyboard by VLLWP 
or hit the link here (file size is about 6MB)

2.      Go to Settings> Language and keyboard

3.      Check the box beside the Jelly Bean keyboard 
and click OK on the warning when it pops up

4.      Tap on Select input method

5.      Choose Jelly Bean keyboard from the pop-up list

6.      Start using the new keyboard by tapping
 on any text input

Note: The Jelly Bean keyboard works on 
Android version 1.6 (Donut) and above.

The Jelly Bean keyboard brings in text prediction
 on a stock keyboard, similar to the experience 
of a SwiftKey third party keyboard. Plus, it gives 
you the opportunity to use the latest stock keyboard
 without the need of rooting or installing 
Custom ROM in your devices.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

How to boot your phone into Safe Mode?

How to boot your phone into Safe Mode?

If you have changed a setting or installed an app that is preventing you from doing anything while in your phones normal mode, it may be necessary to boot the phone into Safe Mode. Unfortunately, there are hundreds of different phones and devices with different physical and non-physical buttons, so getting into Safe Mode is different for many phones. Below is a listing of ways to get into Safe Mode on many of the Android phones.

Tip: When the phone is in Safe Mode, the message "Safe Mode" should be printed in the lower corner of the display. This mode should only be used to fix problems, uninstall bad apps, and perform any changes to allow the phone to load into normal mode.

Droid RAZR
Turn off the phone. If you can't turn off the phone, remove and reinsert the battery first to restart the phone.
Turn on the phone.
When the Motorola Dual Core screen appears, simultaneouslypress and hold Volume Up and Down keys on the side of the phone. Continue to hold down these keys until the lock screen or you see Safe Mode in the bottom corner.

HTC phones with physical buttons
Turn off the phone. If you can't turn off the phone, remove and reinsert the battery first to restart the phone.
Press and hold the Menu button and then turn on the phone. As the phone starts, keep holding down the button until you see the lock screen or you see Safe Mode in the bottom corner.

Nexus One
Turn off the phone. If you can't turn off the phone, remove and reinsert the battery first to restart the phone.
Turn on the phone.
When the phone logo appears press and hold the trackball on the phone until you see the lock screen or you see Safe Mode in the bottom corner.

Motorola Droid
Turn off the phone. If you can't turn off the phone, remove and reinsert the battery first to restart the phone.
Press and hold the Menu button and then turn on the phone. As the phone starts, keep holding down the button until you see the lock screen or the phone vibrates.

Monday, July 9, 2012

How to load Windows 7 onto a bootable USB key

Put an OS in Your Pocket

How to load Windows 7 onto a bootable USB key19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
To complete your Windows 7 power-user experience, you may consider dropping the whole darn OS onto a USB drive. Whether you carry it around in your pocket or toss it in a desk drawer, it's a perfect boot disk for emergency installs-including those times when you're working with a netbook or some other computer that lacks an optical drive. Even better, your install times will be significantly reduced, thanks to your key's flash memory-we shaved off minutes from our total install time.
Here's how to create a schmancy-fancy boot key for either Windows 7 or Vista-but not for other OSes, so please don't try! We've run a truncated version of this article in the magazine before, but because it was so incredibly popular-and so germane to this feature story-we've decided to share it again, this time with more detail and screens.
1. Format Your USB Key19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
Plug in your USB key and back up any existing data stored on it. You'll need to format the key (thus erasing existing data) before you can make it a bootable device. We used an 8GB key, but a 4GB key will also work.
2. Partition that Key in CMD19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
Open up a command prompt as an Administrator. You can do this by searching for cmd.exe in your Windows/System32 folder, right-clicking the executable, and selecting "Run as administrator." Alternatively, type CMD in the Start Menu search field and activate the command prompt using Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
You should now be under C:\Windows\system32 (assuming your Windows partition is the C drive). Type diskpart in the command line to enter the Disk Partition command-line tool, which lets you format and create partitions on active disks. Now type list disk to reveal a list of all your active disks, each of which is associated with a number. Make a note of which one is your USB key, based on the capacity. In this screenshot, our USB drive is Disk 2.
3. Format Away (Command-Prompt Style)
It's now time to enter a load of commands to properly partition the key, and format for the NTFS (did you know this stands for "New Technology File System"?). In succession, enter the following-and type carefully, Jimbo!
Select Disk # (where # is the number of your USB disk. We typed Select Disk 2 for this job)
Clean (this removes any existing partitions from the USB disk, including any hidden sectors)
Create Partition Primary (creates a new primary partition with default parameters)
Select Partition 1 (focuses operation on the newly created partition)
Active (sets the partition to active, informing the disk firmware that this is a valid system partition)
Format FS=NTFS (formats the partition with the NTFS file system. This may take several minutes to complete, depending on the size of your USB key)
Assign (this gives the USB drive a Windows volume and next available drive letter, which you should write down. In our case, drive "L" was assigned)
Exit (quits the DiskPart tool)
4. Copy Windows DVD to a Desktop Folder19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
Insert the Windows 7 installation DVD into your drive, and view the files that it contains. Copy all of the files to a folder on your Desktop. We put the disc contents in a folder named Windows 7.
5. Turn Your Key into a Bootable Device19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
Now, go back to your command prompt, running it as an Administrator. Using the CD command, navigate your way to the folder where you placed the Windows disk ISO files. Your command line path should look something like C:\Users\USERNAMEHERE\Desktop\Windows 7\ if you followed our lead on folder placement. Now type the following commands:
CD Boot (this gets you into the boot directory)
Bootsect.exe /nt60 L: (this assumes L is the drive letter assigned to your USB key from the previous step)
In case you're wondering, Bootsect infuses boot manager–compatible code into your USB key to make it a bootable device. Also be aware that if you're currently running 32-bit Windows Vista or 7, Bootsect will only work if you use the files from the 32-bit Windows 7 install disc. The Bootsect executable from the 64-bit version will not run in 32-bit Vista. Don't forget it!
6. Load the USB Key with Your Install Files19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
Copy all of the extracted ISO files into the USB drive. You don't need to do this from the command prompt. Just drag and drop the files from the Windows 7 folder into the USB drive using Windows Explorer. We also recommend copying your hardware drivers onto the same key so the installation wizard can find them.
Your USB key is now all ready to go! Plug it into your target system and make sure you enter the BIOS (typically by hitting F2 or F12) to temporarily change the boot order to allow booting from the USB key before your primary hard drive or optical drive. Now, when you plug the key into a machine, your system should automatically begin speedily downloading setup files off of the USB key and entering Windows 7 installation.

19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know

19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know

Your OS drives your whole PC experience, so it's your job as an enthusiast to keep it in a high state of tune. Here's how to do just that with Windows 7.
After installing a new OS, most people just jump right in and start driving it through all their favorite applications and games. Makes sense, right? The operating system, after all, should be a background player in the computing experience-a means to an end, with the end being web surfing, content editing, and wanton destruction in the first-person shooter of one's choice.
The problem, however, is that most people, even a lot of self-described power users, never take the time to really tune the new OS, exploring its menus and setting up the interface for the fastest, most convenient operation based on personal preferences. And as operating systems offer more and more user controls, it's the curious, performance-minded enthusiast who has the most to gain from tuning an OS to his or her liking.
It's been about six months since Windows 7 hit the market, so we figure most of our readers have made their upgrades. For those who've made that jump, we present a bottle of our favorite Windows 7 tips, each designed to help you extract the very last bits of convenience and GUI-navigating performance from your own personal dream machine. And if you haven't yet upgraded to Win7, we trust you will after reading this article, as its core features-let alone its actual Lab-benchmarked performance-kicks Vista and XP ass.
We close out our tuning session with a tip designed to supercharge the process of installing the OS. By loading Windows 7 onto a USB key, and making that key a bootable drive, you can do an end-run around slow optical-drive technology and install your OS in (pardon the pun) a flash.
It's time to get started. Park your computer, but don't shut down. This is one PC tune-up that can only be done with your engine running.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Committed Mouse Abolitionists

Let's kick off this power-user party with keyboard shortcuts-tricks every enthusiast should memorize when mastering a new OS. We're confident the following time-saving keystrokes will save you precious neural processing cycles, and make your mouse jealous with neglect.
Alt + P19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
In Windows Explorer, this shortcut activates a preview pane of your selected file, be it an image, sound, or video document. This panel is great for previewing images in your photos directory, obviating the need for fancier third-party software.
Windows + Up and Windows + Down
If a window isn't maximized, pressing the Windows + Up arrow key will make it fill your entire screen. Windows + Down arrow will minimize that active window.
Windows + Shift + Up and Windows + Shift + Down
Hitting these three keys will vertically stretch an active window to the maximum desktop height (the width of the window, however, will stay the same). Pressing Windows + Shift+ Down will restore the window to its previous dimensions.
Windows + + and Windows + -
19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
Pressing the Windows button with either the plus or minus key activates the Magnifier, letting you zoom in on the entire desktop or open a rectangular magnifying lens to zoom in on (and out of) parts of your screen. You can also customize the Magnifier to follow your mouse pointer or keyboard cursor.
Windows + Left and Windows + Right
These two shortcuts will make your active window fill up exactly one half of your screen-depending on which arrow key you use. And once a window is fixed to one side of the screen, you can repeat the shortcut with the same arrow key to flip it to the other side.
Windows + Home
This shortcut minimizes every open window on your desktop except the active window. Pressing this shortcut again restores all the minimized windows.
Windows + T19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
Like Alt + Tab (still our all-time-favorite Windows shortcut), Windows + T cycles through thumbnails of your open programs via the Taskbar's peek menu.
Windows + E
Automatically opens up a new Explorer window to show your Libraries folder.
Windows + P19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
Manage your multiple-monitor setup more efficiently with this handy shortcut. Windows + P opens a small overlay that lets you configure a second display or projector. You can switch from a single monitor to dual-display in either mirror or extend-desktop mode.
Windows + Shift + Left and Windows + Shift + Right
If you're using two or more displays-and you are, aren't you?-memorize this shortcut to easily move a window from one screen to the other. The window retains its size and relative position on the new screen, which is useful when working with multiple documents.
Windows + [Number]
Programs (and new instances) pinned to your Taskbar can be launched by hitting Windows and the appropriate number key. Windows + 1, for example, launches the first application in the taskbar, while Windows + 4 will launch the fourth.
Windows + Space19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
This combo performs the same function as moving your mouse to the bottom right of the Taskbar: It makes every active window transparent (save faint outlines) so you can view the desktop underneath.

Track Your Actions with Problem Step Recorder

19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
To aid their development of Windows 7 beta versions, the Microsoft engineers built in a diagnostic tool called Problem Steps Recorder that combines screen captures with mouse tracking to record your actions. You can launch this program from the Start Menu by typing psr.exe in the search field. Hit the Record button and the applet tracks your mouse and keyboard input while taking screenshots that correspond with each new action. When you stop recording, your session is saved to an HTML slide show recreating your steps, to which you can add comments and annotations. This tool is insanely useful if you need to create a tutorial for a computer-illiterate relative. Hi Mom, hi Dad!

Master Your New Font Manager

19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
Font management is much improved in Windows 7. The Add Fonts dialog is history, and in its place is new functionality within the Fonts folder itself. First, the folder now shows font previews via each font file's icon (visible with Large or Extra Large icon views). Second, fonts from a single set will no longer show up as different fonts; they're now combined as a single family, which can be expanded by double-clicking the icon. Third, you can now toggle fonts on and off by right-clicking a font icon and selecting the Hide option. This prevents applications from loading the font (thus saving memory), but still keeps the file retained in the Font folder. Finally, Windows 7 includes a new fancy, free-flowing font called Gabriola that shows off the advanced antialiasing, text rendering, and "stylistic alternate" font flourishes afforded by DirectWrite (Microsoft's API for 2D text rendering) and OpenType.

Launch Games with Keystrokes

19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
One of our biggest annoyances with Windows Vista was the Games Folder, aka the Gaming Grotto, aka the Gaming Ghetto. In Vista, Games for Windows titles and other game shortcuts automatically install to this directory, which you can only access with a Start Menu shortcut. This scheme prevents you from starting a game from the Start Menu search bar (aka the power user, keyboard-only method). Indeed, while you can launch any other application by mashing the Windows key, and typing its name in the Start Menu field, this isn't the case for games installed to Vista's Games Folder. Well, this oversight is fixed in Windows 7, and the universe is now home to slightly less evil.

Burn a Spittin' Image

You can quit messing around with ostensibly free, malware-infected burning software, because Windows 7 comes loaded with a DVD and CD ISO burning application. Just double-click your image file and Windows will start a tiny program window to help burn your disc. It's a bare-bones app, but it works!

Become More Wordly with Hidden Wallpapers

19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
Besides its default desktop wallpaper, Win7 includes desktop backgrounds catered to your region (which is identified when you first install the OS). We Americans, for example, get six 1900x1200 images showing off National Parks and beaches. However, if your tastes run more international-don't worry, we won't hold that against you-you can grab wallpapers for other regions from a hidden folder. Type globalization in a search of your C: drive. The only result should be a folder located in the main Windows directory, and you should only be able to see ELS and Sorting folders nested here. Now search for MCT in the top-right search bar. This will display five new unindexed folders, each corresponding to a different global region. Browse these folders for some extra themes and wallpapers specific to Australia, United Kingdom, South Africa, and Canada.

Take Control of UAC

19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
Despite good intentions, User Account Control pop-ups were one of the most annoying aspects of Vista, and thus UAC became a feature that most of us immediately disabled after a clean install. UAC in Windows 7 displays fewer warnings, but you can also fine-tune its notification habits by launching the UAC Settings dialog from the Start Menu. Just type UAC in the Start Menu search field and click the result. We find that setting the bar to just one tick above "Never notify" provides a comfortable balance between mindful security and incessant, Alice Kramden–caliber nagging.

Calculate Your Mortgage and Other Math Tricks

19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
The reliable Calculator applet has been beefed up to do more than just basic arithmetic. You can now toggle between Standard, Scientific, Programmer, and even Statistics modes. In addition, the Options menu lets you pull out many new automated conversation tools, such as Unit Conversion (e.g., Angles, Temperature, Velocity, and Volume) and Date Calculation (e.g., calculate the difference between two dates). More templates give you the ability to crunch gas mileage, lease tipping points, and even mortgage estimates (yeah, right!) based on any variables you input.

Reveal All of Your Drives

19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
If you use built-in memory-card readers in a 3.5-inch drive bay or on your desktop display, empty memory card slots will not show up as drives in My Computer. But that doesn't mean they're not still there. To reveal hidden memory card slots, open My Computer. Press Alt to show the toolbar at the top of the screen, and go to Folder Options under Tools. Hit the View tab and uncheck the "Hide empty drives in the Computer folder" option.

Use Devices and Printers to Quickly Dig into Hardware

19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
Tired of switching between Device Manager, Properties menus for your devices, and the Start Menu to manage and use printers, digital cameras, mice, and other peripherals? Windows 7 comes to your rescue with its Devices and Printers dialog. Open Control Panel and select View Devices and Printers from the Hardware and Sound category. Right-click a device icon in Devices and Printers to configure the hardware, create shortcuts, troubleshoot, view properties, and run programs. Devices and Printers can save you a lot of effort. For example, when you use it to manage your computer, you have one-touch access to 12 different Control Panel and Explorer interfaces. And when you use a Windows 7–specific driver that supports Device Stage, Devices and Printers uses thumbnail art of the actual device, as shown.

Calibrate Your Notebook's Text and Color

19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
After doing a clean install of Windows 7 on a notebook, the first thing you should do is tune and calibrate ClearType text and Display Color. Windows 7 includes two built-in wizards that run you through the entire process, pain-free. Launch ClearType Text Tuning by typing cttune in the Start Menu search field and opening the search result. You'll go through a brief series of steps that ask you to identify the best-looking text-rendering method. For Display Color Calibration-useful if you're using Windows 7 with a projector or large-screen LCD-search and launch dccw from the Start Menu. It'll run you through a series of pages where you can adjust the gamma, brightness, contrast, and color of the screen to make images look their best.

Control AutoPlay Settings Like a Megalomaniacal Tyrant

19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
Windows 7's version of AutoPlay, like its predecessors', lets you specify what to do with media types when you connect an external drive or insert a disc. Sure, you may have hated AutoPlay in Windows XP, but Win7 provides you with reasons to take a fresh look. As in Vista, Win7 lets you configure AutoPlay settings by media type, but you should poke around for more tweaking options. Open Control Panel, select Hardware and Sound, and then select AutoPlay. By default, Win7 uses AutoPlay for all media and devices; this can be unchecked, and from there you can personalize AutoPlay actions like a madman. Note that each type of media-music CDs, DVDs, software and games, media files, blank media, and video discs-offers you choices based on Windows utilities as well as third-party programs. Choose your favorite app as an AutoPlay default, or to keep the traditional pop-up AutoPlay menu, select Ask Me Every Time.

Solve External Hard Drive Hassles with Convert.exe

19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
Windows 7 prefers hard disk drives that use the NTFS file system: Its integrated backup program cannot back up files from or to drives that use the older FAT32 file system. So, if you select a drive that uses FAT32 as the backup location, Windows 7 displays an error message. FAT32, a leftover from the days of Windows 98, works with both MacOS and Windows (which is why most external hard disks use this file system by default), but it lacks the features needed to fully support Windows 7 backup. Use Convert.exe to solve this problem. Open a command-prompt session and use the following command to change your external hard disk's file system: convert x: /fs:ntfs (replace x with the actual drive letter of your external hard disk). Convert.exe will check your external hard disk for errors, verify there's enough space for conversion, and then convert with abandon. While this theoretically will not destroy your data, we recommend you back up your files first.

Convert WMC Recordings for Use with Vista and XP

19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
Windows Media Center (WMC) improved in the jump from Vista to Windows 7-you'll find better integration of cable, broadcast, and Internet TV in the program guide, better support for widescreen displays, and a refined user interface, among other changes. But if you want to share your recordings with Windows XP or Vista users, or use the dozens of recording and file-conversion utilities made for those versions of WMC, you're sort of screwed, as Windows 7 no longer uses the DVR-MS file format for recording. Instead, it uses WTV (Windows TV), and WTV files can't be used by older versions of WMC or Windows Media Player.
You can, however, convert a TV recording from WTV to DVR-MS by using the conversion utility provided in Win7.
TV recordings are stored by default in the Public Recorded TV library. Open the library, right-click the recording, and select Convert to DVR-MS Format. At the end of the conversion process, the Recorded TV library contains both your original .wtv file as well the .dvr-ms conversion. The .dvr-ms file can be used with programs designed for Windows XP and Windows Vista Windows Media Center, and can be played on Windows Media Center and Windows Media Player in Windows XP and Windows Vista.

Command Windows 7 to Generate an Energy Report

19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
As a power user, you may be concerned with power consumption, making the command-line utility powercfg.exe a must-see. To create a report on your PC's energy appetite, press the Windows key and type cmd in the search box. Right-click cmd and select Run as Administrator. Now, select the box and type powercfg –energy at the command-line prompt, and hit Enter. Powercfg will run for about 60 seconds, then generate a report called energy-report.html in C:\Windows\system32. This report will notify you of anything in your computer that is keeping the CPU cycling, thus burning power and sucking notebook batteries dry. After you run the report, you'll likely find that USB devices never entered Suspend state. While you might think the power consumption of a USB key is pretty insignificant, if it prevents the CPU from cycling off, that device can really hit where it hurts-in your battery's nards.

Cling (Desperately) to Vista's Taskbar

19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
Let's start with the bad news: Windows 7 eliminates the option to use the classic grey Windows 2000–style Taskbar. You're also committed to the modern version of the Start Menu. But the good news is that you can still tweak the Taskbar to make it run like it did in Windows Vista, replacing the program icons with the names of each open app. Right-click the Taskbar and hit Properties. Check the "Use small icons" box and select "Combine when Taskbar is full" from the drop-down menu under Taskbar buttons. You still get the peek-view thumbnail feature of the Taskbar, and inactive programs remain as single icons, but open programs will display their full names.

Exile Programs to the System Tray

All active programs show up as icons on the Taskbar, whether you want them to or not. While this is useful for web browsing or word processing, your taskbar can get cluttered with icons you would normally expect to be hidden away, like those for Steam or a chat client. You can, however, keep active instances of these programs hidden away in the System Tray/Notification Area by right-clicking their shortcuts, navigating to the Compatibility tab, and selecting Windows Vista under the Compatibility Mode drop-down menu. Just be aware that this only works for programs that would previously hide away from the Taskbar in Vista.

Manage Your Jump Lists

19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
The Jump List, a list of shortcuts to files or tasks for a particular Start Menu or Taskbar item, is one of the most significant improvements in Windows 7. Each time you open a file or website, or run a task with a program that supports Jump Lists, Windows 7 stores the shortcut to the file, website, or task for reuse. Unlike Windows XP, however, Windows 7 doesn't group these shortcuts into a single location. Instead, it stores shortcuts for each program's files, websites, or tasks in a separate shortcut list-aka the Jump List. To see the Jump List for a program in the Start Menu, simply click the right-arrow icon. To see the Jump List for a program icon on the Taskbar, right-click the icon. Windows eventually removes items from the Jump List when it runs out of space, but you can override this. To make any Jump List item a permanent entry, highlight it and click the pushpin icon (reverse this process to unpin it). And if the idea of leaving an icon trail of all your recent history disturbs you, you can disable Jump Lists entirely: Right-click the Start Menu, choose Properties, and uncheck the two boxes under Privacy.

Organize Your Taskbar and System Tray

19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
The programs that you pin to your Taskbar can be moved around to any order you want, whether they're just shortcut icons or currently active applications. The Taskbar, if unlocked, can also be dragged to latch to the left, right, or even top of your desktop. As shown below, Windows 7 improves side-docked Taskbar support with better gradient rendering and shortcut support. It really works well if you're using a widescreen monitor. Just as the Taskbar icons can be rearranged at will, the icons in the System Tray (actually called the Notification Area) can be dragged and set to any order, as well. Hidden Icons can be dragged back into view, and you can hide icons by dragging them over the white triangle, and dropping them into the Hidden Icon well-much easier than working through the Notification Area Customization menu.

Accelerate Your Start Menu

19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know

The Start Menu hasn't changed much from Vista, but there are some notable improvements. The behavior of the power button has been changed to Shut Down, as opposed to Hibernate, which was the asinine default in Vista. But you can also change the button default to do other actions. Right-click the Start Menu, and choose Properties. From the Power Button Action drop-down, you can choose a new default button behavior. If you hit the Customize button, you'll enter a world of opportunities that help you control what the Start Menu displays. Most options are turned off, but you may want some on, like the option to display recorded TV files, a feature that's new in Windows 7. Also be aware that Start Menu items should be set to "Display as a link" if you want them to open up Jump Lists.

Arrange Files by Type, Month, Artist, and Other Options

19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
Windows Vista introduced the concept of using the Details folder view to group files by criteria such as name, date modified, type, size, and other options. These choices are still available in any folder by right-clicking inside the folder and selecting them from the options menu. But Window 7 does Vista one better with its new Libraries scheme, which enables you to view the contents of multiple file locations in a single logical folder. And as you'd expect, each Library comes correct with contextual file-arrangement options that vary according to what's being viewed. For example, in the Pictures library, you can choose from Day, Rating, Tag, and Month. For videos, maybe arranging by Length, as in our screenshot, is most relevant. You get the point.

Pin Folders to Favorites and Start Menu

19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know

Explorer's Jump List shows your seven most frequently visited folders, but you can manually bookmark some favorites to the top of the list by pinning folder locations. Just right-click any folder-either on your desktop or from an open instance of Explorer-and drag that folder icon to the Explorer shortcut on the Taskbar. You'll see a message that reads "Pin to Windows Explorer" before you release the mouse button. The folder will appear under a Pinned section of the Jump List, and you can remove it by clicking the "Unpin from this list" icon on the right side of the panel. You can also right-click and drag a folder directly to the Start button to pin that folder to the general Start list.

Put an OS in Your Pocket

How to load Windows 7 onto a bootable USB key19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
To complete your Windows 7 power-user experience, you may consider dropping the whole darn OS onto a USB drive. Whether you carry it around in your pocket or toss it in a desk drawer, it's a perfect boot disk for emergency installs-including those times when you're working with a netbook or some other computer that lacks an optical drive. Even better, your install times will be significantly reduced, thanks to your key's flash memory-we shaved off minutes from our total install time.
Here's how to create a schmancy-fancy boot key for either Windows 7 or Vista-but not for other OSes, so please don't try! We've run a truncated version of this article in the magazine before, but because it was so incredibly popular-and so germane to this feature story-we've decided to share it again, this time with more detail and screens.
1. Format Your USB Key19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
Plug in your USB key and back up any existing data stored on it. You'll need to format the key (thus erasing existing data) before you can make it a bootable device. We used an 8GB key, but a 4GB key will also work.
2. Partition that Key in CMD19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
Open up a command prompt as an Administrator. You can do this by searching for cmd.exe in your Windows/System32 folder, right-clicking the executable, and selecting "Run as administrator." Alternatively, type CMD in the Start Menu search field and activate the command prompt using Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
You should now be under C:\Windows\system32 (assuming your Windows partition is the C drive). Type diskpart in the command line to enter the Disk Partition command-line tool, which lets you format and create partitions on active disks. Now type list disk to reveal a list of all your active disks, each of which is associated with a number. Make a note of which one is your USB key, based on the capacity. In this screenshot, our USB drive is Disk 2.
3. Format Away (Command-Prompt Style)
It's now time to enter a load of commands to properly partition the key, and format for the NTFS (did you know this stands for "New Technology File System"?). In succession, enter the following-and type carefully, Jimbo!
Select Disk # (where # is the number of your USB disk. We typed Select Disk 2 for this job)
Clean (this removes any existing partitions from the USB disk, including any hidden sectors)
Create Partition Primary (creates a new primary partition with default parameters)
Select Partition 1 (focuses operation on the newly created partition)
Active (sets the partition to active, informing the disk firmware that this is a valid system partition)
Format FS=NTFS (formats the partition with the NTFS file system. This may take several minutes to complete, depending on the size of your USB key)
Assign (this gives the USB drive a Windows volume and next available drive letter, which you should write down. In our case, drive "L" was assigned)
Exit (quits the DiskPart tool)
4. Copy Windows DVD to a Desktop Folder19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
Insert the Windows 7 installation DVD into your drive, and view the files that it contains. Copy all of the files to a folder on your Desktop. We put the disc contents in a folder named Windows 7.
5. Turn Your Key into a Bootable Device19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
Now, go back to your command prompt, running it as an Administrator. Using the CD command, navigate your way to the folder where you placed the Windows disk ISO files. Your command line path should look something like C:\Users\USERNAMEHERE\Desktop\Windows 7\ if you followed our lead on folder placement. Now type the following commands:
CD Boot (this gets you into the boot directory)
Bootsect.exe /nt60 L: (this assumes L is the drive letter assigned to your USB key from the previous step)
In case you're wondering, Bootsect infuses boot manager–compatible code into your USB key to make it a bootable device. Also be aware that if you're currently running 32-bit Windows Vista or 7, Bootsect will only work if you use the files from the 32-bit Windows 7 install disc. The Bootsect executable from the 64-bit version will not run in 32-bit Vista. Don't forget it!
6. Load the USB Key with Your Install Files19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know
Copy all of the extracted ISO files into the USB drive. You don't need to do this from the command prompt. Just drag and drop the files from the Windows 7 folder into the USB drive using Windows Explorer. We also recommend copying your hardware drivers onto the same key so the installation wizard can find them.
Your USB key is now all ready to go! Plug it into your target system and make sure you enter the BIOS (typically by hitting F2 or F12) to temporarily change the boot order to allow booting from the USB key before your primary hard drive or optical drive. Now, when you plug the key into a machine, your system should automatically begin speedily downloading setup files off of the USB key and entering Windows 7 installation.